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搜索 纪律的决定 by


搜索 纪律的决定 by




摘要不. 19-ND-007


DCCA的意见 (2021年1月7日)

简介: 威廉·H. 小布拉姆. 酒吧没有. 478206. 2021年1月7日. D.C. Court of Appeals accepted Brammer’s petition for negotiated discipline and imposed a 30-day suspension, stayed upon the successful completion of a one-year period of probation during which Brammer will not engage in any ethical misconduct, and conditioned upon Brammer’s making restitution in the amount of $5,000 to a former client within one year of the court’s approval of the petition. Brammer acknowledged that he failed to (1) provide competent representation of his client, (2) act with reasonable promptness, and (3) keep his client reasonably informed about the status of the matter in violation of 规则 1.1(a), 1.3(c)和1.4(a).

聆讯委员会报告 (2020年9月16日)

简介: The 董事会 on Professional Responsibility's Ad Hoc 听到委员会 recommended that the D.C. Court of Appeals accept Brammer's petition for negotiated dis­cipline and impose a 30-day suspension - stayed upon the successful completion of a one-year period of probation during which Brammer will not engage in any ethical mis­conduct, and conditionedupon Brammer's making restitution in the amount of $5,000 to a former client within one year of the court's approval of the petition - for violations of 规则 1.1(a),1.3(c)和1.4(a.)


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